new buns hun

I mentioned this in yesterday’s post, but that post was so long I didn’t want to jam this in there too… besides I wanted to get some pics of them on to add to it, also.

So, timeline – From 2004-2015 I used the same brunette extensions that matched my 2004 but hasn’t matched since 2011 when I went lighter for Donna. I FINALLY updated to red extensions that matched in 2015. And now I’m back to brunette and back to using those ancient extensions and they need replaced BAD… I mean, they’ve been hairsprayed so much, loose hair doesn’t slip out from them. It just breaks off. Haha just kidding… kinda. I mean I always washed them regularly but they’ve just been battered, you know? Time for an update.

So one day last week I decided to dig through my hair bin… yes I have a hair bin… just to see what I had in there. I knew I had some loose brunette braiding hair in there, I thought I’d play with that to see what happened. But as I dug around I came across an old clip-on ponytail that had been cut in half. (Cut in half across the netting, not the hair) I tried that out – one over one pigtail and the other half over the other. And it actually worked really well. Those ponytails were a tangled mess and one side was thicker than the other, so I thought, I’ll just go buy a new cheap clip-on ponytail.

I had to go to the wig store with mom this weekend anyhow, so while there I found something that was a good length and matched my roots pretty well. This is what I ended up with:

Don’t be fooled by the gradient in the picture, that’s not what was in the box LOL

So I got it home and cut it in half just like the other one. That worked ok, but the bottom half of the bun had a “harder” netting around the bottom – I guess to keep the shape – plus some baby hairs along the bottom. So it didn’t really look the same as the other side.

So I went back and bought another one just like the first. I intended to also cut it in half and use the top halves of both on the buns. But I gave it a go again as a full ponytail. And it looked nice as long as I pinned it down plenty as I went so the whole interior ponytail piece didn’t try to flip as a I twisted.

So I sewed the original back together and put them both on and…

I am pretty happy with them. They’re a little uneven, but these go on so much faster than the old ones that it’ll be easy to fix something like that when I’m getting ready before an event.
Now if I could just get better at parting my hair. And could make my bangs not have that cowlick. And for my head to not be lumpy.

Anyway I should hopefully be wearing them for the Generals Star Wars night this weekend so I’ll try to take some more pics to do a full how-to when I do.
I say hopefully because there’s an 80% chance of rain Saturday so it may get rained out… 🙁

Anyway some other random stuff.

Cleaning out my purse and

Gotta have my lightsaber… just in case I run into any sith on my way to work.
I found this in my closet at my parent’s house over the weekend. Had no idea where it came from, turns out Chase got it as a freebie when he bought some Vader stuff back in 2006. I was in a shoebox. I put it in my purse to bring home. Maybe I do a jedi costume next. Or finally do that Jedi Leia from the comics?

Chase told me to update the chalkboard drawing. It’s been Tina Belcher for almost 2 years, haha. So

Oh and AFI movie watch update!

Finally made it through Yankee Doodle Dandy, the story of George M. Cohan. I wasn’t familiar with it at all and didn’t even know what it was about til we started watching.
I had a hard time keeping up with this one. I liked some of the costumes. It was just ok I guess.
Next is Blade Runner!!! Which I haven’t seen in forever. I’m excited.